====== CookieHandler::ReadTextContent() ====== ---- ===== Definition ===== Returns the content set in the cookie with the current name as string. String ReadTextContent () ===== Returns ===== * **String** \\ Content of the cookie with the current name. ===== Exception ===== * **CookieHandlerException:EC_READERROR** //(104)// \\ The cookie's content couldn't be read or cookie doesn't exist ===== Example ===== // Getting the cookie with last visited website $LastWebsiteCookie = new CookieHandler ("LastWebsite"); // Getting the cookie with last logged in user $LastUserCookie = new CookieHandler ("LastUser"); $LastWebsiteContent = ''; $LastUserContent = ''; try { $LastWebsiteContent = $LastWebsiteCookie->ReadTextContent (); $LastUserContent = $LastUserCookie->ReadTextContent (); } catch (CookieHandlerException $e) { // [...] } ~~NOTOC~~