====== CookieHandler::WriteObjectContent() ====== ---- ===== Definition ===== Converts a PHP object or variable to a storable string and sets it as cookie content. \\ Optional a cookie lifespan can be set when the cookie is written as it is done in [[libraries:cookiehandler:cookiehandlerclass:setvalidity|SetValidity()]]. **Important!** It's recommended to use this method with care because third parties could be able to modify system objects. **Important!** As a cookie is part of the HTTP header, the writing of a cookie has to be done before the first output is sent to the browser (even blanks etc.). void WriteObjectContent ( $Object, [$Days = NULL, [$Hours = NULL, [$Minutes = NULL, [$Seconds = NULL]]]] ) ===== Parameters ===== * **$Object** //Array// \\ PHP object/variable that should be written as string content in the user's storage. * **$Days** //Int (optional)// \\ Validity of the cookie in days. * **$Hours** //Int (optional)// \\ Validity of the cookie in hours. * **$Minutes** //Int (optional)// \\ Validity of the cookie in minutes * **$Seconds** //Int (optional)// \\ Validity of the cookie in seconds ===== Exceptions ===== * **CookieHandlerException:EC_WRITEERROR** (103) \\ The cookie couldn't be written * **CookieHandlerException:EC_INVALIDNUMBER** (102) \\ One of the validity parameters is no valid number ===== Example ===== class User { public $Name = ''; public $Age = 0; } $NewUser = new User (); $NewUser->Name = "Mr. Smith"; $NewUser->Age = 20; $Cookie = new CookieHandler ("Testcookie"); try { $Cookie->WriteObjectContent ($NewUser); } catch (CookieHandlerException $e) { // [...] } ~~NOTOC~~