====== RestRequest::getFileParameters() ====== ---- ===== Definition ===== Returns the file parameters of the request as array. This array can contain 0 - n file content datasets received from client (usually via POST or PUT). \\ File parameters are set, if the client sends/uploads one or more files to the webservice. **Important!** The upload form has to contain the mandatory attribute ''enctype="multipart/form-data"'' otherwise the upload will not work because only the filename and no content is transfered. Array getFileParameters ( ) ===== Returns ===== * **Array** \\ Array, containing 0 - n elements with each containing an array with information about one uploaded file. **Array elements:** |<100% 30% 70%>| | ''array[n]['name']'' | Original filename at the client's system. | | ''array[n]['type']'' | MIME type of the file. The type is not checked and forwarded exactly as it is received from the client. | | ''array[n]['size']'' | Byte size of the received file. | | ''array[n]['tmp_name']'' | Temporary filename (incl. path) with which the file was stored at the server. ((The webserver always stores the upladed file with a unique filename in the webservers tmp folder where it can be accessed for further processing)) | | ''array[n]['error']'' | Errorcode of the file transfer. | ===== Example ===== $Request = new RestRequest(); // Called endpoint is: [PUT] https://www.domain.com/webservice/accounting/booking/ // Uploaded file is: "dataset.csv" (file content: "id:5,account:1234,name:Mr. Smith,amount:592.30") $Application = $Request->getApplication(); // "accounting" $Method = $Request->getMethod(); // "booking" if ( $Request->hasFileParameters() ) // true { $FirstFileParams = $Request->getFileParameters()[0]; // array ('name' => 'dataset.csv', 'size' => 46 etc.) $OriginalFilename = $FirstFileParams['name']; // "dataset.csv" $UploadFileLocation = $FirstFileParams['tmp_name'] // "/usr/local/www/tmp/f23dJsefgs.dat" $FileContent = file_get_contents ( $UploadFileLocation ); // "id:5,account:1234,name:Mr. Smith,amount:592.30" } ~~NOTOC~~