====== RestRequest::getUnnamedParameters() ====== ---- ===== Definition ===== Returns the unnamed parameters of the current request as array. \\ Unnamed parameters are URL value parameters without key/name sent by the client divided by '/' in the URL. Array getUnnamedParameters ( ) ===== Returns ===== * **Array** \\ 0-based indexed array with all parameter values sent by the client via URL ('/'-divided following the method name). ===== Example ===== $Request = new RestRequest(); // Called endpoint is: [PUT] https://www.domain.com/webservice/accounting/booking/draft // Content is: "id:5,account:1234,name:Mr. Smith,amount:592.30" $Application = $Request->getApplication(); // "accounting" $Method = $Request->getMethod(); // "booking" if ( $Request->hasUnnamedParameters() ) // true { if ( $Request->getUnnamedParameters[0] == 'draft' ) { [...] } } ~~NOTOC~~