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Converts a PHP object or variable to a storable string and sets it as cookie content.
Optional a cookie lifespan can be set when the cookie is written as it is done in SetValidity().

Important! It's recommended to use this method with care because third parties could be able to modify system objects.

Important! As a cookie is part of the HTTP header, the writing of a cookie has to be done before the first output is sent to the browser (even blanks etc.).

void WriteObjectContent ( $Object, [$Days = NULL, [$Hours = NULL, [$Minutes = NULL, [$Seconds = NULL]]]] )


  • $Object Array
    PHP object/variable that should be written as string content in the user's storage.
  • $Days Int (optional)
    Validity of the cookie in days.
  • $Hours Int (optional)
    Validity of the cookie in hours.
  • $Minutes Int (optional)
    Validity of the cookie in minutes
  • $Seconds Int (optional)
    Validity of the cookie in seconds


  • CookieHandlerException:EC_WRITEERROR (103)
    The cookie couldn't be written
  • CookieHandlerException:EC_INVALIDNUMBER (102)
    One of the validity parameters is no valid number


class User
   public $Name = '';
   public $Age  = 0;
$NewUser = new User ();
$NewUser->Name = "Mr. Smith";
$NewUser->Age  = 20;
$Cookie = new CookieHandler ("Testcookie");
   $Cookie->WriteObjectContent ($NewUser);
catch (CookieHandlerException $e)
   // [...]
libraries/cookiehandler/cookiehandlerclass/writeobjectcontent.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/14 20:46 by